Happy Friday Fun-Day, Gorgeous Guys & Dolls!
I know. Usually Sunday is "fun day", but I'm making my own up for today because I'm SO excited to share with you guys my oh so fun news! He He! So...here it is! Today, along with all of you, I'm celebrating my 100th blog post!!! I cannot believe how fast time flies & that I've already reached 100! This little blog is something I've dreamed about for so long, and now that I'm living it, because of all of you...I couldn't be more grateful, or feel more blessed. Thank you, to each & every one of you, who take the time to read along with all that lives inside my heart. It's an honor to call you my family/friends, and to be on this little journey with you! So...from the bottom of my heart...I love you & I thank you.
Now for the "fun" part! As a way to thank you...I'm having a giveaway!!! I don't want to tell you what you'll get, but I PROMISE you will LOVE it! All the goodies add up to over $100 & it's SO girly & fun! Who doesn't love fun gifts & who doesn't love packages in the mail! Not too many things in life are surprises anymore, so I just think it'll be more fun that way! How many of you used to go to the Hello Kitty store growing up & get "grab bags", so that it would be a surprise? Ha Ha. My Sister & I always did. This little contest makes me feel like a kid all over again & I sure hope it does for you too!
Anyone can enter & contest will run until next Friday night, July 1, 2011 ! The winner will be announced on Sat, July 2, 2011! Being so new to the blogging terms/gadgets...instead of using one of those fancy random number generators online, I'm just going to choose a winner old school, by picking a name out of a hat! LOL! I promise I will be completely fair though & make it all legit! Just have no idea how to do it the other way yet! Maybe by my next 100th post! Ha Ha! You can enter up to 3 times & here are all the ways...
Anyone can enter & contest will run until next Friday night, July 1, 2011 ! The winner will be announced on Sat, July 2, 2011! Being so new to the blogging terms/gadgets...instead of using one of those fancy random number generators online, I'm just going to choose a winner old school, by picking a name out of a hat! LOL! I promise I will be completely fair though & make it all legit! Just have no idea how to do it the other way yet! Maybe by my next 100th post! Ha Ha! You can enter up to 3 times & here are all the ways...
Here's how to enter:
(1) entry: Become a follower and leave a comment on this post. If you're already following, just leave a comment as well!
(2) entries: Become my friend on Facebook (link on my blog), so that when you win you can post a picture of what you got on my page for everyone to see!
(3) entries: Post on your blog in a post or on your sidebar. Add my button below!
Please let me know in your comment how many times you entered, so know exactly how many times your name needs to be added to my hat! Ha Ha!
<a href="http://s129.photobucket.com/albums/p220/missplh/?action=view&current=BlogButton-PerfectHeader.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i129.photobucket.com/albums/p220/missplh/BlogButton-PerfectHeader.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>
*Again...have no idea how to give you my button, so I hope you can add it by this! LOL. If not...please school me! Ha Ha.
What is Following?
Do you have a favorite blog and want to let the author and readers know that you are a fan? Well now you can do that and more with the Blogger Following feature! You can even keep track of the blogs you follow via your Reading List on the Blogger dashboard.
How do I become a Follower of a blog?
There are several ways to become a follower of a blog. One of the easiest ways is to visit a blog that has added the Following widget and click on the "Follow" button under the "Followers" widget:

Select how you'd like to follow the blog, then click the "Follow this blog" button. It is that simple, you are now a follower of the blog! If you elected to follow the blog publicly, your profile picture will be displayed on the blog with a link to your Blogger profile (Note: The widget may not show all followers of the blog. If this is the case all followers will be linked from the widget). When you become a follower of a blog, the blog will also be added to your Reading List on your Blogger dashboard and this site will also show on your FriendConnect profile for all the sites you've joined using Friend Connect. Additionally, you can become a follower of any blog or URL (even if the blog doesn't have the Followers widget) by adding the blog to your Reading List on the dashboard.
Cliff Notes Version & if you have no idea what all this means...click on the white box, located next to the little faces on my blog (He He) & if you don't have a Google account...it takes 2 seconds to create one! Promise it will be worth it! And...if you go through all the trouble & don't take home the prize this time...I will have a million & one more giveaways & you'll already be ready to go! The next giveaway will be when I reach 100 followers, so please be sure & tell all your peeps!
Dolls, all you Guys with Girlfriends, Wives, Sisters, Mama's...you/they will ALL want this!
Again...Giveaway closes Friday, July 1, 2011 at 12:00 AM EST, and the winner will be announced the following Saturday, July 2, 2011.
So enter away!
Thanks again for your love, friendship, and for reading! Best of luck to you all!
Started following you yesterday :) and I just sent a friend request via facebook. As soon as I figure out how to make your button work on my page, I'll add that too.
Have a good weekend!
YEEEAAAYYY!!! My VERY first entry (2 entries for you so far)! =) Thank you SO VERY MUCH! Welcome new friend! So happy to have you here & on FB! Before you drive yourself crazy with the button...I PRAY I even did my part right! =) Have a good weekend too & I'll also follow you now! =) Thanks again! XO
Also Readers...please excuse the GIGANTIC white empty space before my picture! When your OCD like me...this drives you CRAZY!!! =) LOL! No matter what I do...it won't go away! =(
OMG girl, I tried adding a comment earlier today but realized I was not a technical "follower" through google. So I had to re-sign up for google, reset my password, etc. So here I am. I'm officially a follower through google. Anyway I was already your friend on facebook. So put me in for 2 please!! lol. I love your blogs. I alwasy follow them from your posts on facebook. I still need to email you back. Have a great weekend girl. Happy 100th blog. Congrats!!!
SO exciting! Your first giveaway!!! I love that it is a SURPRISE! Can't wait to see what it is, even if I don't win! Your button is up on Big City Belle, Mama! That makes 4 entries for me! :) (Your button worked perfectly. Down the road, your blog designer can make you a little button that always sits on your sidebar for people to grab.) If you want...:) LOVE YOU BUNCHES!
=) You are too cute, Brandi & I appreciate you SO VERY much! Thank you for being so sweet & so supportive! You're the best & I love ya! 2 it is! =) The very same to you! XO
Belle...YOU ROCK & I couldn't love you more! Thank You. Thank You. Thank You. For EVERY ounce of your love, friendship & endless help...I thank you & I appreciate you! I'll contact my blog expert asap! =) I DO want...I do. =) SO glad it worked though & thank you for reppin' my page! I'm doing the same! =) A beautiful weekend to you too! I've got you down for 4! Love you! XO
I sent you an email about the white space. You may have tried this but, just in case! :)
Hey Girl! Found your blog through Big City Belle, and am loving it. I fell off on my blogging for awhile, and blogs like yours remind me why I love it!
You are fab!
Hi Sweet Amanda! What a fun surprise & I am so touched that you took the time to visit & to write this so kind comment! Thank you, with all of my heart! =) I'm not surprised at all that you found me though Heather @ Big City Belle! Sweet Girls Blog Alike & kind souls always find each other. I visited your blog & LOVE IT, by the way! Congratulations on your new marriage! I too, was just married in November, so I know what a special, wonderful time this is in your life & I couldn't be happier for you! =) SUCH a beautiful girl & couple! I tried to follow you back, but blogger is having "technical difficulties" & won't let me, but I'll def keep trying until it works! =) And since you commented on this particular post...I'm gonna assume you want to be entered in my giveaway? =) If so...just let me know & of course..I'll put you in for 2 entries! =) Thank you again & I look forward to reading your future posts! Have a beautiful day! XO
Happy 100th Beautiful V!! I Love, Love Your Blog!
Awww...Thank You SO much, Jules! How sweet you are! =) So happy to have you here! Let me know if you want to be entered in this Giveaway! I'd love to include you! Thank you again so much! XO
follow your lovely blog
skipthelaundry at gmail dot com
added you as facebook friend entry 1
amber jackson porter
skipthelaundry at gmail dot com
added you as facebook friend entry 2
amber jackson porter
skipthelaundry at gmail dot com
I think I did this right?
Hi, My New Friend, STL! =) Thank you so very much for reading, "following" & for playing! =) I've got you down for 2 & wish you the very best of luck! Thank you again & Welcome! Have a beautiful night & PERFECT 4th! ♥
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