Monday, February 14, 2011

Godsend Girlfriends

I was reading an old issue of Oprah magazine, and caught an article about womens' friendships and how important they are to us girls. Apparently, women value their friendships much more than men do. They take them more seriously, sincerely care about what's going on in the lives of their women friends and feel a genuine need for regular sisterly togetherness. 
The article said women who have viable friendships throughout their lives, in particular as they grow older, tend to live longer and suffer from less illness than women who don't have many confidants. Having friends you see regularly helps to reduce stress, improve the immune system and offers a support system that can rival the ear of even the most qualified psychiatrist. Seems women have figured it out, or maybe it's just something hardwired in us from the beginning of time. Women need the company of women just because. It truly is... A Girl Thing! 

We've all heard this said, and I always believed it was true, but after spending hours last night on the phone with my Bestest in Colorado, and visiting my Sister today...I KNOW this is true. What wonderful, uplifting days & it truly does fill a space inside your soul...only Girlfriends could occupy. Life happens & we all lose touch every once in a while, but it really is so important to take the time to spend a little time each day/ polish these oh so special treasures in your life.

I'm one of those people that suffer in silence through the storms in my life & emerge only when the rainbow appears, not wanting to spread anything but positivity to the world. During those times I don't feel like talking & don't even really have the energy. Not being a phone person on my best days, doesn't help either (Ha Ha), but on the tough days...I REALLY want to be MIA. Just hide for a bit, eat some cupcakes...and get back to you when I'm all done. Sometimes though, it's during those times that it really would/does help to talk to someone you love & who loves you in return. 99% of the'll hang up with a smile on your face...AND in your heart. 

One of my favorite parts of being Married is having a built-in teammate for life! Someone who will ALWAYS have your back & who will ride life's roller coaster with you...holding your hand the entire time. The same goes for Girlfriends. With can get through anything...SO much easier than being a party of 1! 

Even if you're not a fan, if you haven't seen the SEX AND THE CITY movie (the 1st. one)...I definitely recommend it. Without ever watching the show, I got the movie & LOVED the relationships they share & the bond, nothing, or no one...could ever destroy. Sure it's just a movie, but also such great examples of the love, loyalty, and "being there in a time of need"...every Friend should strive to be.        

Surprise a Girlfriend in your life today, you haven't talked to for whatever way too long. I promise you won't be sorry you did. Because after all...who else can your share your eternal love for Hello Kitty with, or who will devour an entire carton of ice cream with you to help heal your broken heart? Who else will understand your "to die for" new shoes, or the whole years worth of salary you just spent on your "gotta have" purse. Who will be there in the middle of the night...just to listen to you cry, or who will travel the world over...just to see you smile? YOU KNOW WHO & YOU KNOW WHY. Because we're Girls. That's what we do. It's who we are. 

Pick up the phone, drive over & see her...she'll be so happy you did! 

To ALL the Beautiful Girls in my life...I love you & I thank God for you...EVERY SINGLE DAY,


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