Hey Beauties! Hope you had a wonderful Saturday & that your weekend is perfect so far! I spent the day playing in my craft room & getting it "almost" ready to share! As soon as I finish one fun project...I get another crazy idea & then...it's all over from there! Ha Ha. Like I have nothing more important to do than bling the heck out of some antlers!!! LOL! If you saw my to-do list...it would be even funnier! (I know it's not a real word, just like it better for this purpose than more funny! LOL) But...i had a great time though! Blingin' & Singin'! My kinda day!
So...who's ready for some Gettin'? I'm in the mood for another Giveaway! I'm thinking about devoting my entire blog to Giveaways because I love them so much! Ha Ha. I don't even have a reason, or an idea...just wanna send someone a surprise! Who's Down? LOL. I'm looking for cute/fun ideas, so if you think of anything...please comment away! Thanks so much!
Also...kinda random but, quick ? for you blogging experts! A lot of my friends (that don't have blogs) have told me that they aren't/haven't been able to comment, or follow my blog. Do any of you have any idea why, or what the easiest way to explain it would be? If so...I would be so so grateful. Of course we want all of our friends to follow, but feel so bad that so many people are having trouble. I've tried to explain it to them as best as I could, but still doesn't work for some reason. Thank you so so much!
I am literally falling asleep as I type this, so I think it's goodnight for me. Cuddled in my Hello Kitty Blanket + Dolce asleep on my lap + B's baseball game as my surround sound & him laying beside me = Night Night! Ha Ha.
The sweetest of dreams to all of you! See you tomorrow!
Heavy eyes & a grateful heart,

Send me your giveaway!!! I would love some fun stuff, lol!!! I love reading your posts, glad when you post them on fbook!!!
=) Ok so just to be sure...I know 2 Natalie B's, believe it or not! =) This IS the one from High School, right? =)
yes ma'am!!! LOL!!! BTW: A-Ddicted to the cotton candy spray!!! Bought one for my friend as well and she is lovin' on it too!!! Is there a lotion that smells so good. Even my boy Joshie asks me to spray it on him, lol!!!
Ha Ha. Ok. That's what I thought, but just making sure! =) I am SO SO happy you love it & that your friend does too! And your Son...that is ADORABLE!!! =) How cute! I'm not sure on the lotion, but I'll check on that! I'd LOVE it too! =) And...if you want a longer lasting, REAL perfume...check out the one on my "COTTON CANDY CRAVING" post, too! You will LOVE it! =) Lasts all day! XO
ooo, I gotta check that out and purchase it...NOW!!! LOL!!!
Ha Ha! No but SERIOUSLY!!! =)
Here's the name of it, just to make it easier (and QUICKER) for you! =) LOL! Delicious Cotton Candy by Gale Hayman. And...I just went to Amazon & typed in "Cotton Candy Lotion" & there are a few choices. 2 are SUPER cheap too! Might be worth a try! =) XO
Oh wait...can't believe I forgot! My FAVORITE lotion right now is still the one from my "ULTA HAUL" Post. (Right side of my page, under LABELS. Look under HAULS & it's the first post! =) Doesn't smell like Cotton Candy, but it DOES smell like Buttercream Cupcake Batter & comes in an adorable package with a little shimmer & everything! =) LOL! You will love it! Smells AMAZING!!! =) It's called BODY SWIRL Buttercream Cupcake. Just go to ULTA.com & type that in if you want some! =)
oh thank goodness you said gale Hayman because I ordered it and thats the one I got, lol!!! The lotion sounds yummie!!! Might need to purchase that too!!! lol!!!
Ha Ha! =) Perfect! You've probably gotten it by now & I sure hope you love it as much as I do! The lotion is AMAZE!! =) Pretty cheap too! BTW...can you please email me your address? =) One of these days, when you least expect it...I'm gonna send you some love! =) Thanks so much! Have a beautiful day, NB! Thank you for all your love & support! ALWAYS makes my day! XO
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