Ok Kandy Girls (& Guys if you're out there)…here you go!
Mother's Day goodies, because I love you so.
You've shown me more love than words could ever express, and in return…I wanna give you the absolute world! I want you to always know how loved & appreciated you are, and my Giveaways are just a little token. If you're a Mom…perfect. If you're not & want to win this for your Mom, or any special Mom in your life…perfect. If you wanna win this for yourself…perfect.
And…as an added bonus…one of my longtime, oh so sweet Friends…wants to give you something special too!
The beautiful Kristin started her own business working for Lia Sophia & wanted to add to the fun! She picked out these stunning earrings just for you! We love them & we're certain you guys will as well. If you've never heard of Lia Sophia….here are just a few of the reasons they stand out among the rest!
"LIFETIME guarantee on all jewelry. All you need to have is your receipt. Their customer savings plan is AWESOME. Buy 2 items at full price (always your LEAST expensive items) and get up to 4 items at 50% off (always your MOST expensive items). Their hostess benefits are FAB also. Hostesses (catalog parties count too for your readers across the US) get 20% of party sales in free jewelry of their choice. They also get 4 items at hostess only prices all items under $100 are only $15! Plus they get 5 items at 50% off."
This jewelry is perfect for all the special occasions that come up in your life.
For yourself…and for others.
To take a look at all they have to offer…click here.
Also…I know a lot of you girls out there are looking to make some extra money at home & Kristin can even help you set up "online" parties where you can make money on your couch…all by yourself! Sounds awesome to me. What girl doesn't like jewelry! If you're interested at all…you can contact her at her Facebook link below.
So..without further adieu…
Here's what one lucky winner will receive…
A huge "Grab-Bag" of Pamper Goodies!
(Comes with everything you see here & even more that didn't fit.
Even better. Now it'll be a surprise!)
How gorg are these earrings?
PERFECT for this time of year!
ADORE them!
Thank you so much, Kristin.
You're a Doll & I'm so happy to be doing another collab with you!
Here's How to Enter!
First & Foremost...
You must be a Follower of my Blog & not just a reader. He He. You have to click "Join This Site" & become an addition to the beautiful, smiling faces...on the left side of my blog! I know a lot of you are unsure as to why you have to "join this site" aka "follow", instead of just reading, but in the blogging world...the only way we gain creditability is by how many "documented" readers/followers we have. It's kinda like reading a magazine in line at the store, but never buying it! LOL! Hope that makes sense. Don't worry though...you won't be bombarded with emails/notifications, etc. In fact...you won't even receive one! So even if you're a guy & want to win any of my giveaways for a special someone in your life...you are more than welcome as well!
The above & below are a must to be eligible & the additional 3 are extra!
2) Follow "Veronika Ohanian-Welt" on Twitter HERE
3) Follow "Veronika Ohanian-Welt" on Facebook HERE
4) Follow "Veronika's Kandy Koated Dreams" on Bloglovin HERE
5) Follow "Veronika" on Pinterest HERE
6) Follow "Veronika Ohanian-Welt" on Instagram HERE
7) Like "Kristin Enrico- Your Lia Sophia Advisor" on Facebook HERE
8) Leave a comment on this page with your full name, & how many entries you've entered.
*Blog about this Giveaway- 2 extra entries
*Tweet about this Giveaway- 1 extra entry
*Facebook this Giveaway- 1 extra entry
Giveaway will close on Sunday, May 5th at Midnight (Texas Time) & is open world wide!
And because I love you so...
From My (Our) Hearts…To ALL of Yours,

Girl-Another Amazing Giveaway!!!! I've got 10 entries! HELLO!!!! Love you lady!!
Love you! I have 11 entries <3
Ok girl I have 9. Love you!
This Mama could use some pampering :) I have 8, Thank you for being so generous!
Your the best!
Yay! What a sweet giveaway! This mommy can use some goodies! :D
Leticia Marquez...
I'm a follower of your blog. :D
Im a follower on your VKKD page on FB ;)
I follow YOU on FB
I also follow you on Twitter!
BlogLovin follower right here!!!
I follow you on Pinterest. <3
Instagram too! :)
I tweeted :) (+1)
I posted on my FB page (+1)
I blogged :) (+2)
Total of 11 entries please! Good luck everyone! ;)
I have done all the entries except the bonus entries I follow you everywhere in pintrest aswell.
I guess I have total of 9 entries.
Thank you for such a nice giveaway!)
GFC: Irina Gnatiuk
Liked "Veronika's Kandy Koated Dreams" on Facebook, name: Irina Dubinskaya-Gnatiuk
Following "Veronika Ohanian-Welt" on Twitter, name: @IrinaZhoze
Following "Veronika Ohanian-Welt" on Facebook
Following "Veronika's Kandy Koated Dreams" on Bloglovin, name: Irina Dubinskaya-Gnatiuk
Following "Veronika" on Pinterest, name: Irina Dubinskaya-Gnatiuk
Following "Veronika Ohanian-Welt" on Instagram, name: @irinagnatiuk
Liked "Kristin Enrico- Your Lia Sophia Advisor" on Facebook
Bonus entries:
Tweeted: https://twitter.com/IrinaZhoze/status/328826667437006848
Shared on Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/irina.dubinskaya.7/posts/649559705061258
Full name: Irina Gnatiuk
Email: marfusha1976@gmail.com
10 entries
1)FB Diana Ahmetzanova
2)Twitter @1996_diana_0702
3)Bloglovin j-typok@mail.ru
4)Pinterest Диана Ахметзянова
10 entries. THank you!My name is Diana Ahmetzanova.
hi Veronika
another georgeous giveaway of yours!
i have been your follower for a while on GFC (Radmila U)
1) i Like "Veronika's Kandy Koated Dreams" on Facebook (name Radmila Ustych)
2)i Follow "Veronika Ohanian-Welt" on Twitter (@radmilamila)
3) i Follow "Veronika Ohanian-Welt" on Facebook
4) i am your follower on Bloglovin - name Radmila
5)i follow you on Pinterest - name Radmila
6) i follow you on instagram - name MsRadmilamila
7) i like Kristin Enrico- Your Lia Sophia Advisor on FB
8)and i tweeted https://twitter.com/radmilamilamila/status/328961676797960192
Thanks a lot, Radmila Ustych, rada76@mail.ru (from Ukraine)
Whose giveaways are the best? YOURS! I loveeee the earrings. That blue is my very favorite color. So really, they should be mine. Mwahhahahaha.
I have 7 entries plus a tweet so that's 8! Go me. xoxo
Good luck with the giveaway.
Another Amazing giveaway! I have done steps 1-8 also
tweeted: https://twitter.com/Mwhitford5/status/329038047230443520
and posted to fb https://www.facebook.com/meegan.whitford/posts/10151356622190940
Name is Meegan Whitford and a total of 9 entries please!
Thanks so much for a chance to win and good luck to everyone entering!
Your giveaways are always so generous and amazing! This mommy needs some pampering for real! Please enter me for 1-8! Please and thank you!!!
Love you bunches!
Awesome giveaway. I have 4 entries.
Sara Warehime
I have 9 entries. Thanks!!!
Holly Sosa
I have eight entries. :D
I have 7 my lovely friend ;)
I did all except the bonus entries. So 8? 7? haha Apparently I'm not too awesome at counting!
Another great giveaway!! You're the sweetest!! xx
Awesome giveaway lovely! I have 6 entries! :) You always have the loveliest giveaways. xx
So cute!!! love the earrings also!!!!! thanks for doing such another wonderful generous giveaway!!!
1) i Like "Veronika's Kandy Koated Dreams" on Facebook
2) i Follow "Veronika Ohanian-Welt" on Facebook
3) i am your follower on Bloglovin
4)i follow you on Pinterest
5) i follow you on instagram
6) i like Kristin Enrico- Your Lia Sophia Advisor on FB
7)I am mentioning this giveaway on my fb wall
Rachel Bonson-I have 8 entries
GFC- schkinner
FB- Rachel Bonson
Twitter- @schkinner
Bloglovin- Rachel Bonson
Pinterest- schkinner
Seven <3
& PS - I really miss you!!!! :)
Maria Sandoval
I have 8 entries
Liked Veronika on twitter
Liked Veronika on FB
Liked Kanded Koaded Dream FB
Liked Here your Blog = )
Liked Lia Sophia FB
Twitted this giveaway
FB this giveaway
Thank you for this giveaway, I'm entering for my sister!
Much love to you girlie!! XO
Hello darling!! You know it well, I am not gonna loose this chance to win those amazing slippers!!! I wanna hug them!!! :D I've done everything except blogging - does it make 10 for me? If needed I can provide you with all links and pseudos, no prob! :) Monika P lewa
Love ya V!!
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